Behind the Story

In the spring of 2015, I awoke from my sleep with the image of a girl standing on top of a staircase. The image was so clear and strong it begged to be realized. So, I picked up the paper and pencil by my night stand and began to illustrate what I saw. It was Celia who appeared from my sketch and I immediately felt sure I knew her. Moments after completing her illustration, I found myself uncovering the “little boy”. His image came to me within minutes. In that moment Celia and the Little Boy became a central part of my life. For the next two and a half years, they led through their experience as I wrote and illustrated this deeply emotional story. The lessons these two children taught me about connection have been profound. I share this story with the greatest hope it will offer a new voice for children who struggle with depression and provide hope and support to their families and caretakers.

With love, hope and gratitude,